Sunday, November 27, 2005

It's no secret~

You Belong in Paris

Stylish and a little sassy, you were meant for Paris.
The art, the fashion, the wine, the men!
Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
You'll love living in the most chic place on earth.

Random November-ness

Santa's early arrival:


MC & Runaround enter a Pet Show:

They Win for Best Name!

Daddy & kids:

In the Leaves:

Christopher can Spell! (and loves his dog, Sam):

Thanksgiving at Kindergarten:

MC and Mrs. Wells:


After Dental Sedation a/k/a 'on the wagon':


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gobble! Gobble!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

An Interview with the Queen

Let's do an Interview
"what's an intra-view?"

It's when I ask you questions and you answer them and I write them down
"a beagle"

I haven't asked you anything yet!

What's your favorite thing about school?
"blocks. i played with the animals."

Who was the star today?
"the star was justin.
Do you like Justin?
"not very much"
Why not?
"Cause he doesn't run very fast in gym."

Who's your favorite friend?
"lily, anna katherine, all the girls, and even emme"

What's your favorite thing about Daddy?
"he takes me places at restaurants. you gotta write what daddy does, cause i just want you to. go to ice cream places."
as i was making a typo while transcribing:
"ice REAM places?!" (laughs her head off; oh the pressure of a reading interviewee)

What's your favorite thing to do with Mommy?
"stamp with you"

What's your favorite thing to do with Christopher?
"be silly and run around like crazy people"

"i like Runaround b/c she runs around a lot."

"my favorite food is celery"
When have you had celery?
"i tried it before"
"on parties."
What parties?
"parties where i go to"

What's your favorite color?
"pink, purple, and magenta"

If you could be anything at all, what would you want to be?
"a farmer, cause you have lots of animals and you gotta milk the cow and that's fun"

"can we do this in a few more minutes cause i'm going to want to watch Little Einstein"

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Body Art

You would think we're too Po' to buy paper around here. Mary-Chandler's hand:

Chirstopher's happy face legs (upside downto you, b/c he drew them while in the car Kindergarten pickup line one afternoon. Surprise, Mommy, I found a marker in here!