Monday, October 16, 2006


Some dear friends of ours left today to live in Mexico; this is the first time the children had good friends move away. Mary-Chandler (7) came to sit in my lap tonight at bedtime.

How do you you know when God talks to you? I can't hear Him.

No, we can't hear Him like we hear each other. I wish we did, but I think when we get to Heaven we can hear him talk like we do.

How do you know what He's telling you to do? Do you just feel it?

Yes, but you also pray and read the Bible and God shows you parts of the Bible that He wants you to see at the time.

I wish I could hear what He sounds like.

You know who I think He sounds like?


Like Daddy - a strong voice that makes you feel safe.

I wish we could be a family like Miss Chas's family.

What would that be like?

How they listen to God and go where He wants them to.

We do try to do what God wants us to. We don't think He wants us to leave right now. Sometimes God tells you to stay.

I miss Laurel. They were good friends. [voice breaking]

They were great friends. They still are; we just can't see them for a while.

Are you crying a little bit?


I'm crying a little bit, too. I made a sock puppet friend to talk to about things like Miss Chas. I make him up every day with a different sock.

You do?

He likes to hear about people he doesn't know. And you know what his favorite food is?


Mexico food.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Bad Blogger

Does anyone ever read this blog anymore? I've been horribly remiss in my updating. Life is verrrrrrrrrrrry busy. Here's a tasty morsel while I get more pics together to post.

The First Grade Sweet Girl escorting the No-Longer-Baby Boy to his Kindergarten class: