Sunday, December 24, 2006

Catching Up - October part 2

Mary-Chandler's 1st grade took a field trip to Baa Moo Farm. MC wants to be a farmer so she had the best time EVER:

A Day in Blowing Rock:

The Caped Crusader Paramedic:

Friday, December 22, 2006

Catching Up - October part 1

Mary-Chandler and Emme (bestest girlfriend ever):

Christopher with Kindergarten friends Bella and McKenna:

MC with Lauren, best 1st grade friend:

Christopher & "Mr. Matthew", his Sunday School teacher last year who he loved! When he decided to ask Jesus in his heart last spring, he waited until Sunday because he wanted to do it with Matthew:

Pumpkin time:

Monday, December 11, 2006

Catching Up - September Birthday

The Queen's Birthday, a Pink Poodle Party:

With new friend Emily and Cake:

The Candy Scavenger Hunt:

The Queen and her subjects (and bestest friend, Emme):

Catching Up - September part 1

The Queen begins her ballet career:

Another fun day in Kindergarten comes to an end:

Christopher's Twister phase:

Our sweet girl turns 7:

No Ideal Christmas

There is no ideal Christmas; only the one Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions.
-Bill McKibben

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Catching Up - August

Here's the first of some month-by-month recaps of Life With Great Kids.

First days of school, i.e. my baby is in Kindergarten, my other baby is in First Grade, where did all the babies go? (sob!)

While Christopher has soccer, MC climbs on rocks with her friend, Landry Rose: