Saturday, August 13, 2005

Ready or not, here she goes

T minus 36 hours or less until Mary-Chandler starts Kindergarten. Where has the time gone? Who snatched away all the babies in my house?

I never react like I expect to at lifetime milestones. I just knew I would cry at my wedding, and Kent & I laughed through the whole thing. I thought I'd be happy to have MC go to school, but I've been crying for about a week over it. I'm a paradox.

We had 2 "practice days", where I woke her up early and we did the routine and timed it. Yesterday, we got in the car and went through the drop-off line at the school. Wow, the whole thing is exhausting! I was pooped. Besides the whole up-before-the-chickens thing, I'll miss her being gone all day and not sharing what she's doing. Yes, yes, the familiar cliche of a mommy, but dang, when it's happening to YOU it's heartwrenching.


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