Sunday, January 23, 2005


Well, we have a new member of the fam: Runaround, the hamster.

Mary-Chandler, Queen of the Literal, named her. All of MC's stuffed animals have very literal names: Big Bear, Brown Bunny, Bowtie. She would be quite content to live in a culture where everyone had descriptive names such as Talks Too Loud, Orange Hair, Runs With Scissors.

I had a hamster in college, George, whom I loved dearly, so it's fun to have another one. She is very docile, and hands-friendly. Special thanks to MomMom & PopPop for funding our new addition!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Meet me in Saint Louie, Louie...

Boy oh boy, did I have fun in 13 degree weather! Just a blast was had by all; I was there last week for Stampin' Up Leadership Training & a Regional meeting (I'm not from the region, but hey, I was already there!). 1,400 stamp-crazy women in one building. I love my job. Also got to ride up in the St. Louis Arch, Gateway to the West. Freaky, sci-fi, wigs me out at night. Really. I'd seen photos all my life but it's really much more imposing and just plain unnerving in person at night. I fully expected to see 3 moons in the sky when I looked up at it. Then we ride up the thing in wonky, sterile white metal pod-like elevators. Just not anything you expect to encounter in the real world. I had no idea. The views were marvelous, and I'm very glad I did it, but the experience is a perfect example of not being able to grasp something until you're there. All the pictures and descriptions cannot prepare you for it. Not unlike parenthood, that.

Children had a perfectly marvelous time being spoiled by grandparents while I was away, and Kent was in tropical Ecuador once again (He'll be there most of February as well), so I had minimal guilt at being away. It was also a great satisfaction to eat wonderful meals not prepared by moi, make cards, gift boxes & scrapbook pages by day and take bubble baths each night. Ah, yes. A working vacation, I believe it's called. I could go on & on about my job, I LOVE it!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Can't look away for a minute

Okay, here's what happens when you don't pay attention to a 3 year old boy for about 2 minutes: he's up a tree...up high...

and of course after checking that he will not be plummeting to his death or dismemberment, Mommy grabs the camera:

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Working on the Photo Thang

I'm no stranger to HTML but jeez, it shouldn't have taken so long to work right. Ah, well, free is free, praise be.

And isn't this kid just bee-yoo-ti-ful? Anyway, there's a bunch of recent photos on the Team website, I'm just fiddling here to make it more interesting. Go look at my kids, already! They're fab.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Alert the Media

Well, hang on and buckle up, I'm joining the 21st century weblog-fest by having our own family info blog. We still have the static website (which is how you got here, I'm assuming) but I'm going to hope that a few minutes every few days will be easier to update than several hours once every month (or longer). We'll see.

I've been reading blogs online for several years now, one of my favorites being (I've been a fan of John Scalzi as a writer since he worked for AOL years ago when I was a member). But one of my oldest friends, Tanya (::waving:: hi, Tanya) started her own blog recently at and I started thinking hey!- that was a very good idea, maybe I needed to get on board this train. Plus she got me hooked on the idea of knitting, but that's its own story.

As soon as I figure out the photo thing, I'll throw a few up here. But I'll keep them mainly on our website (link to photos in sidebar). But HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!

The Team Agenda for the coming week:
  • Kent goes to Ecuador
  • Jo-elle goes to St. Louis
  • Children go to stay with Mimi & Granddaddy

... and then home again, home again, jiggity jig. More news to follow. Thus ends the blog premiere.