Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lemonade, that cool refreshing drink..

We had our 'Lemon-AID" stand on Labor Day, and did well and had lots of fun for a good cause (Katrina relief). The kids understood that we were selling lemonade to help the people who had the big wind. They were so cute holding out their signs to the passing cars.

Christopher, who knows all makes & models of automobiles, would yell, "Stop, Honda! Stop, Lexus! Stop, Toyota!" and Mary-Chandler would call, "Maybe they need some relief!" They were a hoot.

And what's up with people? Cute little tots are having a lemonade stand and you don't stop? Hello?! I stop at every lemonade stand I see, and ours was even for disaster relief. I couldn't believe how many people didn't stop. Two days later some kids had a stand with high-priced, bad-tasting pink lemonade, and by gum we stopped and bought 3 cups!

And here's a little lesson on the diversity of people in our great nation:
The lemonade is 25-cents,
1st Customer: hands me a dollar and waits for her 3 quarters back;
2nd Customer: hands me a hundred dollar bill and says "keep it"


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