Sunday, October 02, 2005

Vacation Woes

I have procrastinated on this post b/c it's just too bloody depressing to reminisce. Our annual pilgimage to the ocean was mid-September. Some pics of our arrival:

Well, sure, it looks lovely, but it's just fooling you.

Hurricane Ophelia was sitting off the coast when we arrived on Saturday evening, and by Tuesday morning we were under a mandatory evacuation. So upset we didn't know whether to resort to violence or weeping. We have one week a year where Kent is completely ours, and that was it. It's also his only time to decompress from such a run-run-run-go-go-go job and he lost that b/c when we arrived home, who became sick? ME. In the bed for the remainder of his vacation. Poor man had zero mercy on him.

But of course, I have a camera hot-welded to my face at all times, so we still got a money shot:


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